Between one thing and another — work, pregnancy nausea followed by pregnancy exhaustion, chasing my four-year-old around Brooklyn, taking an intense hypnobirthing class,* cooking overly elaborate allergy-free meals from scratch, life, the universe, you know — there hasn't been a whole lot of actual sewing going on around here. Knitting, yes (because that's what subway commutes are for). And even darning:

But not sewing.
And these summer and fall weekends have been too beautiful to justify making the kiddo stay inside and play Legos while I sew. I got myself a beautiful used Gazelle Dutch bike — that very serious type of 50-lb Dutch granny bike with the high handlebars, skirt guards, fenders, baskets, and so forth... and we got Ms. Z a Weehoo iGo Pro trailer bike to attach to my husband's bike now that she's outgrown her bike seat, and we've been taking family rides around the city:
But you know I'm a sewing gal, and you know my sewing machine and I have been missing each other, and that is why I am taking the next two days off of work to sew while Z is at school.
Things I will be doing on my sewcation:
- Tracing patterns.
- Cutting fabric.
- Sewing.
- Eating tacos I did not make myself from scratch.
- Drinking mocktails.
- Taking excessive numbers of Instagram photos.
Things I will resist doing on my sewcation:
- Reading blogs. (I know I need to catch up on all the amazing things you all are doing, but if I start diving into blog-land, no actual sewing will occur.)
- Watching moving pictures on screens (unless done while paying half-attention at the sewing machine).
- Cleaning, cooking, tidying, scrubbing, folding.
Things I hope to sew (or at least cut out or plan or SOMETHING—I doubt I'll get to all this in just two days):
- 1 maternity dress (Simplicity 1360, pictured at top of post)
- 1 pair maternity-ized Cake Espresso purple jeggings
- 5-6 pairs maternity panties from my TNT pattern (see middle of this blog post).
- A baby gift for a friend
- A going-home outfit for my own baby — a matching knit kimono-style baby shirt and pants.
- 1 nursing dress (Simplicity 1469, pictured at top of post)
- 1 nursing top (Simplicity 1469, pictured at top of post)
So that's the plan. Ms. Z is only in school from 8:40 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, so we'll see how much I actually get done — but maybe it'll kickstart me back into finding a few sewing moments here and there going forward.
Wish me luck! It is also entirely possible I will end up napping the entire time and sewing a lone baby kimono shirt, but let's hope not.
*In case you're wondering why I am taking childbirth classes as a second-time mom, well, let's just say I had a rather long and challenging (as in 87 hours challenging) birthing time with my first child for which my basic childbirth education class left me completely unprepared. This time I am taking Hypnobabies and hiring a doula and I am quite positively set on hypnotizing myself into a much more comfortable — and less prolonged — birthing experience.
**Disclosure: Actions you take from hyperlinks within this blog post may yield commissions for (quite likely to be spent on yarn or fabric).