
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

If I could sew one dress from my pattern stash...

I think it would Vogue 8280:

Vogue 8280

Oh... or maybe the Colette Ceylon, since it actually unbuttons in front for nursing:

Colette 1009 Ceylon Dress Photo

But... considering my rapidly changing size, I'm probably most likely to make Vogue 1027 (see Elizabeth or Stitchy Witch's lovely versions):

Vogue 1027

That is, if I ever get a chance to open the sewing machine cabinet in the next few months. Now that I'm back working full time, any minute I'm not at work I want to spend cuddling (+nursing) with Baby Z, so my only sewing time for now will be her weekend naps... I think it would be super awkward to try to sew with her in a sling front carry, and I'm afraid she'd grab for dangerous pins and such anyway.

I need to do a serious closet sort now that it's getting chilly--I couldn't find a jacket that fit me this morning and will have to wear a sweatshirt over my nice work outfit. All my pre-preggo clothes are in random bags or shoved in drawers I can't get to... And I dunno if they'd fit anyway--my high bust is back to 34, but my full bust is ... 42. Yeah, I know. MAJOR FBA WORK AHEAD.

Too bad I don't have time to join my Burdastyle Sewing Club in their trench coat sewalong for McCall's 5525:

McCalls 5525 coat


  1. I got a lot of sewing done when my son was little buy having him in the wrap, and when he got a little bigger I put him on my back and sewed. Now that he is a toddler he won't allow this, and, sadly, I get almost no sewing done. You might be surprised how easy it is to sew with baby Z in a wrap. She can nurse and sleep, and you can sew.

  2. I'll try it, but even at 12 weeks she's a real squirmer--she won't nurse in the sling (it annoys her for some reason), and she loves to look around and babble and grab things and try to stand up. She only relaxes in the sling when we're walking around or she's napping.

  3. I sling-sewed once with Myra when she was a couple of months old, just to take the edge off of the withdrawal! I waited until she fell asleep in the sling, and the whirring of the sewing machine helped lull her. It was a little awkward though.

  4. Have you tried the Vogue 8379? I have a bust like you, underbust is 34 and full bust is 41. I've had great success with that pattern without an FBA, yes, really, no FBA. It's pretty short in the waist which suits me perfectly since so am I, but if not you'll need to add some length.

  5. Kim, I totally have that pattern in my stash! I'm not shortwaisted but adding length is easy enough...

  6. Kim: P.S. Did you choose the size 12, then, based on your high bust?

  7. Just wanted to say that I love your blog but I don't think I've ever commented. I'm due on Oct. 1 and I actually made 3 versions of V1027 and wore them before and during my pregnancy and I have to say that it's a great pattern. Very flattering and forgiving in terms of fit!

  8. Actually, I made the 14. I made it before I knew anything about! Then I didn't mess with it because it worked. I have reviewed it on PatternReview and have some pictures of me in it.

  9. Here's the link to my blog post about two of the versions I made so you don't have to search around PR.

  10. You just spend all the time you need to cuddling (and nursing!) that baby. It doesn't last long, it really really doesn't :), and sewing will still be there when she's bigger. Of course not really helpful when you need clothes now, I know ;)

  11. The Ceylon would look gorgeous on you! I remember how tough it was to fit creativity into my new-mom-back-to-work schedule. I wound up knitting potholders while propping my breast pump on a throw pillow.

  12. I know, I'm obsessed with nursing access now too!

    Hope your new work routine is going well. At least baby Z is in good hands while you're at work :)

  13. Funny, as I commented above, I find my baby to be EASIER and more forgiving of me sewing as a toddler than when he was a baby. Every child is so different!

    I never could sit with him in carrier, he would only tolerate the sling if I was up and moving around - so I just did a lot of cooking and dishwashing with the sling. And he never napped much, so that was never a time I could claim for hobbies.

    Now I let him play with my trims or whatever while I sew ...


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